Posted by Pastor Anish K. S (ICPF Manipal)
From this day on I will bless you ! Haggai 2 10 - 19
This is a promise God gave to the post-exilic community. Here "from this day on "means the day when you give careful attention to temple work. In this portion the word " consider " is repeated three times, which emphasizes the need of careful attention and priority. Thus, the day of blessing begins when you give careful attention to God's work.
This same call to give importance to God and being blessed is there in New Testament also. Mathew 6 : 33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. "
God loves and blesses all regardless of caste creed and colour because God is the creator and provider of all. However to experience his covenantal blessing we need to turn to him. The day you turn to God will be marked as the day of your blessing.
