Posted by Pastor Anish K. S (ICPF Manipal)
God is our defender! Zechariah 3 : 2
God is our defender because he has chosen us. When satan was accusing Joshua the high priest who was standing before the angel of the Lord. The God who chose him defended, "Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?
What a stunning reply of God to satan, yes I know he was burning in the blazing fire of captivity but I have chosen him. " If God is for us, who can be against us? "
God chose us while we were still sinners. We were also burning in the captivity of sin but God snatched us out of it. If God wouldn't have snatched us, we would have become like ashes in the fire of hell. He chose us with an everlasting love. The one who chose us will defend for us.
